Friday 30 September 2011

On our way!

As I type this we're on our way to Hastings for a couple of hours, as planned we should be back at school for around 2.30pm.

We have had the most wonderful week, we're all exhausted but have many many fond memories and amusing anecdotes! All the children have been stars and have really challenged themselves, demonstrated great team work with all of their peers, there are strengthened friendships, new friendships and a great deal of mutual respect in the air!

I hope you have enjoyed reading the blog as much as I have compiling it. I apologise if some days I have been a little late posting, but the WiFi at PGL was down, so I've been doing this all through my phone which is a little slow when it comes to uploading countless photos!

I aim to invite you all in for a special celebration event in the next few weeks, where we will share stories from the week, all the children will receive certificates and memory sticks with over 800 photos from the week and a short video (which I'm busy editing now!)

I'd like to extend my thanks to the PGL staff who made our stay a fantastic one, but most of all to Mrs Feather and Miss Robson. Their care and commitment to ensuring all the children enjoyed the visit, felt comfortable, safe and happy was second to none. As a team the three of us certainly had a lot of laughs too!

Please give your child an opportunity to look at the blog over the weekend and encourage them to perhaps post their own comments- thoughts about the trip etc!

Take care all,

see you in a few hours


All packed and ready.

Some schools are very organised and have arranged their cases neatly ready for the journey home.

And then there's us!!!!!!

The final morning!

Not looking so fresh faced and full of energy now are they!

Thursday 29 September 2011

Great teamwork on Jacob's Ladder

Does the tooth fairy visit PGL?

We agonised over a comment for this one, but settled on:
Some children will do anything to get extra money for the tuck shop!

Last day and they're still standing (just)!

More Trapeze

The Trapeze

Ready for room inspection?

I have to say, the 'tidiest room competition' is being hotly contested, all are doing a very good job!

About to tackle Jacob's Ladder

And there's still plenty more to do!

There really is a fantastic range of opportunities for all the children, and they're all getting stuck in.

Look at the determination in her face!

Ready to climb.

Smiles like this suggest they haven't climbed yet!!!

Wednesday 28 September 2011

More climbing shots.

The Climbing Wall

I think they're trying to tell us the time, George thinks it's ten to three!

Go Kyran Go!

Happy climbers!

At the foot of the mountain, well the climbing wall at least!

When you're late for dinner......

....there's only one way to travel!

Zip Wire Action!

Judy wears her disco outfit for the Zip Wire!!!

Interesting technique!

Not entirely sure what Amit is trying to do, but he was trying to do it very hard!

More Fencing

They particularly enjoyed slapping each other with their gloves!

BMX Bandits!

Favourite comment- "I forgot to pedal"!!!!

And some more.....

Some looks of pure terror amongst these! They were all smiles at the end though!

The Giant Swing

This definitely provided the most amusing photo opportunities!!!

Tuesday 27 September 2011

A special thanks

It's been a long tradition of the Wrotham Road Residential that at some point at least one of our Governors visit. Thanks to Mr Tehara who spent the day with us today, we were all pleased to see him and he really got stuck in throughout the day.

Just found this photo and it made me chuckle!

Not sure what Kiah's seen, but she's clearly not impressed!

A beautiful evening.

Lovely weather so far, supposed to continue all week, that's the giant swing which we're all looking forward to tomorrow!